Cabo Roig Map

Handy interactive road map of Cabo Roig, great for visitors to the resort on the Orihuela Costa, Spain.

Interactive Road Map of Cabo Roig

Cabo Roig Map - Handy interactive Google road map of Cabo Roig, great for visitors to the resort on the Orihuela Costa, Costa Blanca, Spain. Use the navigation buttons to zoom in and find your destination, or move around to view nearby areas. If you are visiting Cabo Roig for your holidays, make sure to get a street address, especially if you are hiring a car.

You could be arriving from the north or south depending on if you are landing at Alicante or Murcia airport, so be sure you know the area you are heading to as if you are in the Aguamarina part of Cabo Roig, you will need to get off the N-332 at a different place to if you are in the old part, you will need to take the Dehesa de Campoamor turn in this case. For the old part of Cabo Roig, San Jose urbanization or La Regia you will turn off at the pyramid roundabout.

Other areas you can see on this Cabo Roig map are La Regia, parts of La Zenia, Aguamarina (roads off Calle del Mar), and the San Jose urbanisaztion (road off Calle Talco).

Switch to satellite mode (Sat) and you will be able to see the beaches and the marina which can be reached using Av del Mediterraneo.

The popular Cabo Roig Strip is located between Calle del Mar (bottom left on the map) and the main N-332 road, some bars and restaurants face the N-332 and other face towards Calle del Mar and the sea.