Cajamurcia Bank Cabo Roig

Handy "street view" map of the Cajamurcia Bank in Cabo Roig on the Orihuela Costa, Costa Blanca, Spain.

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Cabo Roig Banks - The Cajamurcia Bank

Cajamurcia Bank Cabo Roig: Above is a handy "street view" map of the Cajamurcia Bank in Cabo Roig on the Costa Blanca, Spain. The Cajamurcia bank is at the Torrevieja end of the "Strip" on the beach side of the N332.

To get an exact location map (street map) of the Cajamurcia Bank Cabo Roig, click on the little inward facing arrow at the bottom right of the picture and it will bring up a street map, then click the arrow on the top left to get a larger map, which zooms in and out and pans by clicking a dragging.

By using these features you shpould easily find your way to the bank.

The telephone number for the Cajamurcia Bank Cabo Roig is: (0034) 965 321 147.

Cabo Roig is a coastal resort on the Orihuela Costa, Costa Blanca, Spain, it is in the Alicante province of the Comunidad de Valencia.

Find holiday apartments in Cabo Roig here: Cabo Roig Apartments

More Information: Large Cabo Roig Map - Cabo Roig Weather - Cabo Roig Marina

Cabo Roig Bars and Restaurants: Bog Road - Bushwacka - Flannigans